الثلاثاء، 13 مايو 2014

Losing Weight ~ The Mistakes We Make

Expert Author Chuck Hallberg 

Do you keep trying and trying to lose weight and the pounds and inches just refuse to melt away? It can be pretty darn frustrating to say the least and a good enough reason to throw your hands into the air and give up altogether. Well, you're not alone. According to the Boston Medical Center, there are 45 million other individuals just like you spending $33 billion on products that make all kinds of promises.
Whatever your weight loss goals may be, you can increase your chances for long-term success, if you follow some simple rules.
- Your bathroom scale could be hurting more than helping you along. Many people are obsessed over seeing positive results registered on their scale. It's important to remember though that muscle weighs more than fat. So, that scale you place all your faith and hope in, does not know the difference. Put it away! The disappointment and aggravation it can cause isn't worth it. And besides, isn't losing inches greater than dropping pounds?
- Diet Soda be gone! Just because the word "Diet" appears on the can, doesn't constitute it as a health drink or weight loss aid. It's not yet known to be effective for preventing obesity and related health problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. It's over-loaded with chemicals like caffeine, artificial sweeteners and phosphoric acid which is also used as a "rust converter" for iron, steel tools and surfaces.
- Work out with a buddy. There are days when you just don't want to exercise. We all need a little push at times. It's been proven that people are more successful losing weight when they have someone supporting them and looking for the same results.
- Eat before you sweat. Consuming a high-protein meal prior to your work out will boost your metabolism and calorie burn.
- Heavy or Light - Bigger weights scare most people from even trying them. That's a loss, however. Heavier weights at fewer reps will burn more calories.
- Cardio - Is it enough? Most individuals think a daily cardio workout is all they need to lose weight. Strength training is an important element that will aid in burning fat.
- Skipping Breakfast - Eating protein first thing in the a.m. will help to curb those cravings that hit you mid-morning. Yogurt, fresh fruit, a protein shake, cottage cheese or scrambled eggs will do the trick.
Helping others live life better with positive lifestyle options and cutting edge products endorsed by industry leaders, athletes and world-renowned doctors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chuck_Hallberg

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